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【版本升级】VCL界面控件DevExpress VCL发布v17.2.8|附下载

来源:   发布时间:2018-06-12   浏览:2146次

DevExpress VCL Controls是 Devexpress公司旗下最老牌的用户界面套包。所包含的控件有:数据录入,图表,数据分析,导航,布局,网格,日程管理,样式,打印和工作流等,让您快速开发出完美、强大的VCL应用程序!DevExpress广泛应用于ECM企业内容管理、 成本管控、进程监督、生产调度,在企业/政务信息化管理中占据一席重要之地。

【适用范围】:Delphi / C++Builder XE2 / XE3 / XE4 / XE5 / XE6 / XE7 / XE8 / XE10 , Embarcadero Delphi , C++Builder 10 Seattle

1)  DXperience最新版本汉化资源(2万词汇专业汉化、节约3成项目研发时间、一行代码轻松搞定!)
2)  DevExpress for .NET高级培训(“功能讲解+示例演示+实战演练”三位一体的培训模式,让您真正学有所获!)
3)  DevExpress中文视频课程



此列表包含了在 v17.2.8中解决的所有问题:

ExpressBars Suite
  • T625626 - A bar edit item is painted slowly on a monitor whose DPI does not match the system DPI if the item's PropertiesClass property is set to TcxLookupComboBoxProperties
  • T289073 - Bar items are painted with colors that do not match corresponding theme colors of an operating system and disabled bar items cannot be selected if the bar manager's LookAndFeel.NativeStyle property is True
ExpressDocking Library
  • T629525 - Docking/undocking a dock panel enlarges it
ExpressEditors Library
  • T634276 - cxCheckBox - A check box displays a blurry custom SVG glyph if the monitor DPI differs from 96
  • T632197 - cxExtLookupComboBox - The Properties.ImmediateDropDownWhenActivated and Properties.ImmediateDropDownWhenKeyPressed properties have not been published
  • T635553 - TcxBlobEdit - A dropdown memo ignores the skinned editor's Style.TextColor property value
  • T631277 - TcxButton - A button associated with an image stored in the TcxImageList component does not use the image cache within the list to speed up the image paint operation
ExpressExport Library
  • T631230 - Multiple inline function calls within the cxExportProviders.pas unit are not expanded since the cxGeometry.pas unit is listed in the implementation section's 'uses' clause rather than the interface section's one
  • T632870 - Documentation - The "How To Localize an Application Using the TcxLocalizer" topic's code example refers to the overridden constructor and destructor as procedures
ExpressMap Control
  • T628110 - Measurement units of zoom level scales cannot be localized
  • T633312 - The "Data error" exception occurs on reading an encrypted document containing two or more trailers provided that the last trailer's cross-reference table is omitted
  • T632705 - The Enter Password dialog does not display on opening an encrypted PDF file containing an incorrect document creation date entry


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相关产品: DevExpress VCL Controls,

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