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【版本升级】DevExpress v16.2.4正式发布|附下载

来源:   发布时间:2017-01-24   浏览:4233次

DevExpress Universal Subscription(又名DevExpress宇宙版或DXperience Universal Suite)是全球使用最多的.NET用户界面控件套包,DevExpress广泛应用于ECM企业内容管理、 成本管控、进程监督、生产调度,在企业/政务信息化管理中占据一席重要之地。

它主要的特点是:高效率和高实用性,拥有大量丰富的示例和帮助文档,开发者能够快速上手。在国内,DevExpress也拥有大量用户,资料比较完善,相互交流方便,慧都控件网更为广大用户量身定制了:DevExpress视频教程 | DevExpress汉化资源  |  Devexpress高级培训 | 金牌技术支持,帮助用户快速掌握DevExpress,打造成功软件。

DevExpress v16.2.4下载


All ASP.NET Controls
  • T105916 - Documentation - Add a note that the ASPxUploadControl.FileUploadComplete event is not raised for individual files when multiple files are loaded in the Advanced mode
  • T460215 - Documentation - ASPxHiddenField - Update the Data Types Supported by the ASPxHiddenField help article
  • T468529 - Documentation - The "Embedding Third-Party Libraries" article doesn't contain information about script libraries' versions
  • T469343 - The 'ASPxPopupControlBase.ContentUrl Property' topic - See Also links are not clickable
  • T467079 - The spriteAccessible.png file is missing after copying the XafTheme files using the ASPxThemeDeployer tool
  • T409220 - The Theme list is empty when a custom theme assembly is used
All ASP.NET MVC Products
  • T429445 - ASP.NET approach of applying custom themes does not operate
All WinForms Controls
  • T467915 - An application crashes on clicking the ThumbnailButton
  • T462735 - FlyoutPanel - The beak location is calculated incorrectly when the BeakLocation property is set to Left or Right
  • T469661 - Image Picker - The "All Files" filter is missing in the open file dialog
  • T463444 - ToolTipController - A tooltip is not shown on the top of its element if there is no sufficient space at the bottom
  • T471641 - Visual Studio throws NullReferenceException when pressing the Esc key in a derived form
All WPF Controls
  • T466975 - The "Cannot set OverridesDefaultStyle property in the default Style" exception occurs at design time when using ListBoxEdit and the LightGray theme

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相关产品: DevExpress Universal Subscription,
