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XtraReports Suite


The No-Compromise Reporting Tool for WinForms, ASP.NET, Silverlight, WPF and LightSwitch.

Native integration with DevExpress controls, unequalled design-time productivity, industrial-grade features.


Introducing XtraReports - our next generation of multi-platform reporting solutions for Windows FormsASP.NETASP.NET MVCWPFSilverlight and LightSwitch developers! With full Microsoft Visual Studio .NET integration, flexible architecture and an outstanding set of special tools, XtraReports is essential for creating even the most complex reports in the shortest possible time. A stand-alone End-User Report Designer for Windows Forms is included.

As with all Developer Express .NET components, full source code is available and your purchase is backed by a 60-day no questions asked money back guarantee.

Multi-Platform Reporting with Full IDE Integration: DevExpress XtraReports Multi-Platform Reporting with Full IDE Integration
You can use XtraReports in any of the supported platforms (Windows Forms, WPF, ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC, Silverlight and LightSwitch) to create your reports using Visual Studio 2008 or 2010, as well as Visual Studio LightSwitch.
LightSwitch Reporting: DevExpress XtraReports LightSwitch Reporting
The XtraReports Suite provides a special reporting extension for Visual Studio LightSwitch, which allows you to easily embed report preview screens into your LightSwitch applications.
Windows Forms Reporting: DevExpress XtraReports Windows Forms Reporting
For Windows Forms reporting, the XtraReports Suite provides functional print preview controls, a stand-alone End-User Report Designer and complete integration into Visual Studio design time.
ASP.NET Reporting: DevExpress XtraReports ASP.NET Reporting
For ASP.NET, the XtraReports Suite provides a report preview and navigation bar controls, so that you can integrate your reports into a Web application.
ASP.NET MVC Reporting: DevExpress XtraReports ASP.NET MVC Reporting
The XtraReports Suite provides a fully-featured ASP.NET MVC extension with Razor support.
WPF Reporting: DevExpress XtraReports WPF Reporting
You can easily integrate reports generated with the XtraReports Suite into your WPF application by using our DocumentPreview control.


Silverlight Reporting: DevExpress XtraReports Silverlight Reporting
For Silverlight, XtraReports provides a flexible and feature-rich Document Preview control, so you can display reports in Silverlight applications.
Reusable Reports of Any Type: DevExpress XtraReports Reusable Reports of Any Type
XtraReports provides all tools that may be necessary to create professional cross-platform reports of virtually any type, including hierarchical master-detail reports, table and multi-column reports, as well as interactive drill-down and drill-through reports.
Report Design Exchange: DevExpress XtraReports Report Design Exchange
To immediately upload a ready report layout that best meets your requirements, DevExpress provides an online template gallery that is also accessible at Visual Studio design time. In addition, it is possible to provide a custom report gallery to your End-User Designer.
Mail Merge and Rich Text Reports: DevExpress XtraReports Mail Merge and Rich Text Reports
The XtraReports Suite allows you to create mail merge reports by embedding data field placeholders into a rich text control's content.
Master-Detail Reports and Sub-Reports: DevExpress XtraReports Master-Detail Reports and Sub-Reports
With the XtraReports Suite, you can choose between two approaches to creating master-detail reports: by creating a hierarchy of nested Detail Report Bands or by using the XRSubreport control to show separate detail reports within a master report.
Table and Multi-Column Reports: DevExpress XtraReports Table and Multi-Column Reports
The XtraReports Suite allows you to create tables and newspaper-style multi-column reports with ease.
Product Labels and Employee Badges: DevExpress XtraReports Product Labels and Employee Badges
With over 1500 supported Label types, our Report Wizard becomes an indispensable tool to produce labels and badges of various kinds.
Cross-Tab and Charted Reports: DevExpress XtraReports Cross-Tab and Charted Reports
Our reporting tool provides sophisticated controls to embed pivot tables and charts of numerous types into your reports.
Side-by-Side Reports and Report Merging: DevExpress XtraReports Side-by-Side Reports and Report Merging
You can present data from different reports side-by-side, as well as merge multiple reports into a single document, while preserving their original page settings.
Parametrized Reports: DevExpress XtraReports Parametrized Reports
As a powerful extension to the general data shaping capabilities of the XtraReports Suite, report parameters allow you to create the most complex reports without writing a single line of code.
Interactive Reports: DevExpress XtraReports Interactive Reports
Using special events, you can easily provide interactivity to your reports, e.g., create drill-down and drill-through reports; as well as allow your end-users to manipulate reports directly in Print Preview.
Support for Barcodes: DevExpress XtraReports Support for Barcodes
The XtraReports Suite supports the most popular barcode types available on the market.
Rich Set of Supported Data Providers: DevExpress XtraReports Rich Set of Supported Data Providers
XtraReports works with all data objects supported by Visual Studio .NET. Moreover, you can bind a report to XML data or to any data object implementing the IList, IList<T> and IEnumerable<T> interfaces, as well as XPO data sources. You can create a data source object, fill it with data and supply it to a report entirely at runtime. The capability of XML data source serialization is also available.
Extended Data Shaping and Manipulation Tools: DevExpress XtraReports Extended Data Shaping and Manipulation Tools
XtraReports provides powerful instruments for multi-level filtering, grouping and sorting of data. You can easily calculate either a pre-defined, or a custom summary function (transferable to scripts, which helps deliver this functionality to the End-User Designer), create calculated fields (to pre-process your data) and define report parameters (to create variable reports based on user-defined, dynamic or hard-wired values).
Friendly Design Time: DevExpress XtraReports Friendly Design Time
The Report Designer is completely integrated into Visual Studio .NET (2008, 2010 and LightSwitch), so if you are accustomed to the Visual Studio design time, you should feel comfortable with the designer. The Report Designer for Visual Studio provides special panels that make the process of data binding, managing a report's structure and data grouping/sorting as easy as possible.
Multiple Exporting Formats: DevExpress XtraReports Multiple Exporting Formats
XtraReports supports exporting to PDF, HTML, MHT, RTF, TXT, CSV, XPS, Microsoft Excel (both XLS and XLSX) and image (BMP, EMF, GIF, JPEG, PNG, TIFF and WMF). For each export format, numerous specific export options are available.
Versatile Print Preview: DevExpress XtraReports Versatile Print Preview
For each supported platform, XtraReports provides an integral and sophisticated Print Preview to preview your report documents, print and export them. Our Print Preview provides a user interface for displaying a report document map (for easier navigation through complex reports) and modifying report parameter values (for dynamic manipulating with reports). The capability of complete Print Preview customization is also available.
Document Map in Print Preview: DevExpress XtraReports Document Map in Print Preview
In Print Preview, you can simplify the navigation through complex and hierarchical reports by utilizing a Document Map that shows the hierarchy of report bookmarks in a tree-like form.
Powerful End-User Designer for Windows Forms: DevExpress XtraReports Powerful End-User Designer for Windows Forms
XtraReports provides an intuitive, easy-to-use, powerful, adjustable and extremely functional Report Designer for Windows Forms. It provides a familiar user interface that is similar to Visual Studio design time and has a variable look-and-feel.
End-User Reporting in Silverlight: DevExpress XtraReports End-User Reporting in Silverlight
For Silverlight, the XtraReports Suite provides a lightweight in-browser Report Designer that allows your end-users to modify the layout and appearance of their reports on the fly. This Report Designer can also be equipped with a Report Wizard for Silverlight, allowing your end-users to create new data-aware reports from scratch.
End-User Reporting in WPF: DevExpress XtraReports End-User Reporting in WPF
For WPF, the XtraReports Suite provides a lightweight Report Designer that allows your end-users to modify the layout and appearance of their reports on the fly. This Report Designer can also be equipped with a Report Wizard for WPF, allowing your end-users to create new data-aware reports from scratch.
In-Depth Appearance and Look-and-Feel Customization: DevExpress XtraReports In-Depth Appearance and Look-and-Feel Customization
With XtraReports, you can create complex styles to precisely control the look-and-feel of a report. You can even apply them conditionally to reflect certain states (for instance, even and odd styles for rows) and store them in separate sheets. Moreover, using conditional formatting, you can customize the appearance of any report element based on complex logical conditions. In addition, XtraReports provides full support for native DevExpress skins.
Complete Localization: DevExpress XtraReports Complete Localization
XtraReports supports the localization of every interface element, including the End-User Report Designer. Both imperial (inches) and metric (centimeters) units of measurement are supported; you can switch between these measuring systems in an entire report by switching a single property.
Easy Migration from Third-Parties: DevExpress XtraReports Easy Migration from Third-Parties
You can easily import your old reports from MS Access, Crystal Reports or Data Dynamics Active Reports into XtraReports.

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